Friday, March 27, 2020

REVOLUTIONARY EFECTS OF THE PANDEMIC COVID 19 (Editorial of New Militant, Yugoslav Workers' Forum, No. 13/6)

(Editorial of New Militant, Yugoslav Workers' Forum, No.13/6)

The Covid 19 pandemic has a whole series of revolutionary effects that we must pay attention to, although they are visible to the naked eye. Let's see what the effects are: 

1.Covid 19 has shown that powerful imperialism / capitalism is actually very weak, and can be overthrown overnight. Imperialist giants like America and Germany are on their knees, and an alliance of imperialists and their most loyal servants, called the European Union, has shown the incapacity of solidarity and character already known before: it is not an alliance of peoples and people but an alliance of hyenas that destroys nations. What they have done to the Greek people is the destiny of all of us. 

2.The Covid 19 pandemic was not sent by God, but was the result of a public health crisis caused by 40 years of neoliberalism and a "austerity" policy that redistributed money from health budgets into the pockets of the richest. Health facilities and medical equipment were systematically shut down so that healthcare would become a profit industry in the hands of the rich. This pandemic has shown that powerful public health has no alternative. And that means that socialism also has no alternative.

3.International solidarity and sacrifice in saving lives in the countries of imperialism demonstrated by doctors and medical staff from countries where communists are in power, such as Cuba and China, is a valuable lesson about the power of socialism. Even socialism from a small island country such as Cuba, systematically impoverished and destroyed by the same imperialists over a hundred years of isolation, shows its immense power and ideological superiority. And this is not news to them because they have been showing the same international workers' solidarity for decades in all of South America and parts of Africa. Here they are now helping the working class and people in imperialist Europe, within the wealthy EU, unable to take a single step of humanity if not linked to profit. The EU today is just a dirty capitalist past with no future. 

4.Moreover, market principles are proving their monstrous destructiveness: in the US respirator prices have jumped from $ 14,000 to $ 40,000, and the state has left individuals with the supply of these appliances necessary to sustain the lives of affected populations. What is that other than official "war profiteering" at the expense of many lives lost. It is an image of imperialism that is clear that it cannot survive, let alone lead all of humanity - and leads it to nothing but a grave.

5.The Covid 19 Pandemic has once again shown the global character of humanity: a policy of incarceration and self-isolation has no perspective, nationalism, acceptable somewhat as a defense strategy, is atavism and international worker solidarity is the path that humanity must walk if it is to have a future, and a future can be only one: socialism and communism.

New Militant, Yugoslav Workers' Forum, 3/23/2020

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