Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Ljubljana, 13-14 September, 2014

After the fall of the Berlin Wall neoliberalism has mastered the world. In the entire globe workers' rights are denied while the achievements of labor movement are destroyed. The ideologies of neoliberalism are imposed to the labor movement of the globe as if the labor movement has no rights to have own ideology. Aiming to destroy the legacy of socialist society Balkan Peninsula was a decade turned into a war zone and then shattered. The Balkans became a colony of world capital with puppet governments. Labor movement of the Balkans, with significant revolutionary tradition and historical achievements, is divided along ethnic lines for easier subordinating and robbing. Nations and nation-states become prisons for robbed working class. Despite the versatile offensive of capital workers frantically resist and formed many pockets of long-term resistance. Moreover, the mass movements of the peoples destroyed the governments of Bulgaria and Slovenia, while Tuzla revolutionary workers and the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina in a few days destroyed the regime of Dayton's prevail. Their slogans "We do not want to be ethnically divided" and demand for people government  have shaken the system and show the direction to go.
At the time when capital is globally united workers are condemned to the national boundaries and it becomes clear that the national apparatus is used for oppression of the working class. The labor movement that wants to be heard must become international, must be united.  In particular, this applies to the Balkans and even more so for the former Yugoslavia. We, the Erased Yugoslav workers of Slovenia, we spent two decades in the fight against administrative ethnic cleansing that was ran by all of Slovenian governments supported by their sponsors with an aim to destroy the historically proven and victorious "brotherhood and unity" of the Balkans' workers. But they have not succeeded: we survived and continue to fight aware that this struggle can become significant only united with the struggle of the workers of other countries in the region and around the world. If the mighty capital has united then it is needed even more for us, distressed and weakened working class, to unite with the aim of strengthening the combat. The unification of the working class independent of capital is a condition of the workers' power. That is why the Association of Erased Workers (ZID), organize in the occupied, neo-colonised Balkans the first international conference of independent workers. The conference will be attended by workers from Slovenia, Croatia , Serbia , Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Macedonia and Greece, with guests from Italy and Austria . Our goals are:

- to cherish labor internationalism and friendship
- to demonstrate the strength of the labor community
- to discuss issues of importance to the workers' struggle and change experiences

In addition to papers on the subject of workers' struggles the main topics of the conference will be:

- " There is no good privatization "
- "Balkan Confederation of Workers '

Workers of the world unite!

In Ljubljana , 27 May 2014

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