Thursday, April 3, 2014



The second round of municipal elections amplified rejection expressed on March 23 . This is an earthquake for Holland and the government, for all institutions and for the system based on private ownership of the means of production system.
Despite calls to create a "republican front " in the name of the fight against the National Front, 

despite alliances through which the Left Front came to support the candidate of the Socialist Party , the working population has confirmed what she had already expressed the first round, especially in a massive abstention: the absolute rejection of the austerity policies imposed by the European Union , major banks , multinational corporations and capitalists.
The people expressed their rejection of accountability pact by which Holland intends to cut € 50 billion in public spending to ensure monetary balances Maastricht and steal € 30 billion in Social Security exempting employers contributions that they are family allowances .
The people, the urban workers and campaigns have said that's enough ! Stop! Enough! We want to live !
Enough attacks against pensions, workers' rights ! Enough redundancy ! Enough attacks against school (reform school rhythms) ! Enough attacks against Social Security !
This is a major institutional crisis that opens.
A right and left , all worry and call for respect for institutions. All (including the National Front of Marine Le Pen ) discuss the future elections . All ask François Hollande , the current president of the Fifth Republic Bonaparte , hear the "message of the people ." What , Holland and Ayrault meet that schedule will be respected , that the covenant of responsibility will be submitted to Parliament, and that the roadmap will be presented on April 15 in Brussels institutions .
Thus, despite the overwhelming rejection , the government persists and signs . It does so by relying on the institutions of the Fifth Republic , which are themselves subject to the institutions of the European Union, instruments of the dictatorship of the European Central Bank ( ECB) and the financial markets, the name of which , in all circumstances, governments implement the requirements of austerity , deregulation , relocation , business closures .
The deadlock was complete.
What remains else is to impose a break with these policies and institutions that mobilize millions and millions of workers, the working class and its organizations ?
Which is expressed on March 23 and 30, that is the requirement that the pact responsibility is simply consigned to oblivion , is the requirement to break with all the austerity and social regression implemented on behalf of the debt , that is to say the bailout of bankers and speculators.
What is expressed, it is the refusal of the destruction of Social Security torn by previous generations , there are nearly seventy years !
What is expressed, it is the refusal of the development of cities and forced intercommunality .
Yes, we need a break
The condition of this break is that the country is liberated Bonapartist of the Fifth Republic and the European Union institutions that stifle democracy .
This requirement can not go out in the European Parliament.
Any worker , regardless young unemployed what any mother can adhere to the fable of the alleged democratization of the European Union, the European Central Bank? Who can believe for a moment that a good vote for the European Parliament change the destructive logic of the European Union?
No. Workers across Europe have experienced . The European Parliament has only one function : to impose a straitjacket through which pass all the requirements of finance capital and the ECB, which apply to all the governments of Europe who slavishly accept , whatever their color policy.
Version democracy European Parliament, it is the devastation of Greece , Portugal, and now Ukraine.
It is, in France , the pact of responsibility and austerity.
The requirement to put out the agenda for the central question is the means to avert the impending catastrophe : an authentic democracy requires that the people sovereign , can , by its delegates to the Constituent Assembly , free from attachment - and the first free place to overcome the European treaties - define and establish the institutions that guarantee employment for all , the collective defense guarantees, conquest of Social Security in 1945.
The whole situation raises the need to build a genuine independent workers' party
In these municipal elections, the Independent Labour Party acted in common with workers, activists, young people , sharing all or part of its positions, trying to fight the same way : that of exit that meets the needs of the working class and democracy .
In fights every day , especially for the removal of the pact Holland Gattaz , members of POI act jointly with workers , activists of all persuasions .
To you all , elected officials attached to the self-government of municipalities, urban workers and rural , the Independent Workers Party invitation this address : are building public open meetings, organize discussion on the situation in order to develop action.
For the POI is in this activity that builds the Independent Workers Party called for by the whole situation.

March 31, 2014 , 15 h 30 

The Secretaries Independent Workers Party Claude Jenet , Daniel Gluckstein , Schivardi Gérard Jean Markun

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